Business Process Optimisation
Maximise Equipment Operating Time
Effective HSE and Risk Management
Our methodology cycles through three steps which involves identifying the waste, analyzing the waste to find the causes, and deploying solutions to eliminate the causes.
Remove variability from your process, caused through delays, rework, constant breakdowns and stoppages. Build reliability in your operations and process.
We implement real practical solutions to deliver consistent high quality outcomes in Health, Safety and Environment, engaging people in processes as to ensure sustainability.
Isolation of Energy
Value Through People
Positive Change
Safe Isolations, having no risk of uncontrolled release of energy i.e. “Positive” isolation. An effective end-to-end isolation process ensures complete, positive and safe isolations which are repeatable, easy and simple. Adding value to the business “SaFe Time®”
Through structured coaching and improvement programs, impacting the culture of the organisation, we engage the most valuable resource in your business – your people.
We plan the change (assessing change readiness), deliver the change (applying specific proven change models) and reinforce the change to ensure the improvement is sustained.